context-free grammar

美 [ˈkɑːntekst friː ˈɡræmər]英 [ˈkɒntekst friː ˈɡræmə(r)]
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context-free grammarcontext-free grammar
  1. Context-free grammar which is aslo referred to as phrase structure grammar , is the most commonly mathematical system used to simulate the composition structure of natural language . Syntactic analysis is based on context-free grammar to identify sentences and assign sentences ' structure .


  2. An inference approach for Chinese probabilistic context-free grammar


  3. Research of the Automatic Construction Methods for Chinese Context-Free Grammar


  4. Fuzzy context-free grammar is one important kind of grammars .


  5. A method of judging similarity and equivalence in context-free grammar


  6. Summary of Sentence Generation Methods on Context-free Grammar


  7. Modular and Knock-together Method of Building the Context-free Grammar in Language


  8. The basic element of the network is called COURSE . Each COURSE is described by an attributed context-free grammar .


  9. Proposes the context-free grammar model for GEP .


  10. Additionally , a test coverage measurement which includes the coverage of both context-free grammar and semantic rules is defined .


  11. Probabilistic context-free grammar can provide a solution to this problem : select the one whose probability is maximum from the ambiguity .


  12. Computing with Words via Lattice-Valued Context-Free Grammar


  13. If you work with a context-free grammar , the structure of n-gram ( see Resources ) might be what you require .


  14. The Sequitur compression algorithm is a linear-time online algorithm that forms a context-free grammar for a given string input .


  15. This paper briefly introduces the classification of words and part-of-speech tagging , then introduces a computer model of syntactic processing : context-free grammar .


  16. Ambiguity in context-free grammar


  17. Secondly , it is using the Probability-based context-free grammar to analyze sentence , and the sentence is used into symbolic forms by the BNF .


  18. This paper analyzes the features and drawbacks of the algorithms commonly used to parse CFG ( Context-Free Grammar ), and introduces a space and time optimized algorithm for CFG .


  19. According ' to the context-free grammar model of GEP , the dissertation point out that Candida 's GEP techniques cannot process context-free grammar with multiple none-terminals .


  20. The simulation and correspondence between Horn clause and context-free grammar make the most efficient algorithm-the Earley Algorithm about context-free grammar applied to the implementation of logical programs .


  21. A probabilistic context-free grammar ( or PCFG ) is a context-free grammar that associates a probability with each of its productions .


  22. Finally , you can design your own programming or domain-specific language with the help of ANTLR Studio , which lets you create context-free grammar definitions based on the ANTLR framework .


  23. Diagonal computing model is widely used , such as local alignment algorithm in bioinformatics area , algorithm of context-free grammar in the natural language processing , parallel sorting network algorithms in the basic research and so on .


  24. The regular expression of the basic elements and context-free grammar of flight scheduling were analyzed . Corresponding non-deterministic finite automata and abstract syntax tree were constructed , and LR parse was used .


  25. Many basic concepts and algorithms , such as finite automata , regular expression , context-free grammar , operator precedence algorithm , Reverse Polish Expression , etc , are be introduced and given the appropriate instance to illustrate .


  26. The research shows that if and only if a fuzzy language is produced by a max-product fuzzy context-free grammar , it can be accepted by a max-product fuzzy pushdown automaton , so the max-product fuzzy context-free language can be recognized automatically .


  27. To extend the application fields of the present research , the concept of max-product fuzzy pushdown automaton was given on the basis of the study of max-product fuzzy grammars and automata , and the relationships between a max-product fuzzy context-free grammar and a max-product fuzzy pushdown automaton were investigated .


  28. Syntactic analysis is an important part in natural language processing ( NLP ) . This paper mainly discusses the syntactic analysis methods used in NLP , such as context-free grammars , transformational grammar , parsing , transition network , augmented transition network etc.
